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Friday, March 6, 2015

How to Resolve Conflict!

We can often find ourselves dealing with conflict. It could be with someone at home, school, or on our job and sometimes can get worse if not resolved properly.

The two main things that need to happen when conflict between two people or parties are talking and listening. Each side needs to express their thoughts and feelings to one another in order to gain understanding of their situation and what has caused conflict.

Other things needed to resolve conflict that both sides need to have or display are:

-Patience: not being quick to respond and also willing not to take up most of time talking yourself.

-Gaining a mutual understand

-Being responsible and having control over your actions

-Taking things seriously

-If there are two groups or more present, there needs to be a leader, someone to moderate and make sure there's order; also needs to be wise and know how to properly handle everything

-Each person needs to be mature (no disrespect)

-Each person needs to pay attention

-Be aware of your body language: what you're saying could be read differently because of your facial expression, gestures, etc, so be mindful of how you react or look

-Practice beforehand if you have set up to talk to someone (in the mirror, write it out, ask someone to hear you out if need be)

-Evaluate the situation (the cause of the conflict); is it worth it to get upset about; how much forbearance is needed; know when you choose your battles.

-Don't walk away from dealing with it; do you best to actually resolve the issues between you and the other person/party

-It's always good to pray about it. Go to the Lord and ask for discernment, direction, and everything else needed for you to reconcile or make peace with someone else

Verses to refer to about conflict resolution:

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